Dark and ominous, my dream began in a forest.
It was a journey that led under a mountain, into a cave as black as night. Beyond the cave, I went through a passageway which turned into a tunnel teeming with terrifying creatures.
fine art & illustrated pottery
hardcore handmade - one thing at a time
laura cooper elm
all good things are sacred wild and free
tattoo foo dog is a happy, lucky, blessed guardian of the soul meditating on a mountain top. he goes where he wills and wills where he goes - singing: “Come follow, follow, follow -follow, follow, follow me…
All Good things are Sacred Wild + Free
Punker Pumpkin work in progress. Getting ready for the final firing.
one of a kind pottery
paintings & prints
down valley rainbow
rainbow over red lady
I thought I saw a mountain in the clouds
time was
when dreams were real
and I
the only illusion
blue depths
the next big thing